A small ski town is preparing for winter. The townsfolk have had tough financial times and really need the tourist dollar. What they get is a little different. An object falls from the sky, and an old man and his dog track down the crash site. Even though I yelled at the old man not to poke the mysterious contents with a stick, he did anyway, and got his hand painfully blobbed for his curiosity. Guess he didn't see the first movie. Old man runs into the road, and is hit by a car driven by the high school football hero and his cheerleader date. These two and the town tough kid (Kevin Dillon) bring the old man to the hospital, where he is set in a room to wait. By the time the doctor sees the patient, he has been digested, and the blob has gained mass and hunger and the ability to move quickly.
The remake takes the components from the original and reworks them into a decent 1980s horror movie. The special effects are adequate, characters you are supposed to care about die, and there are some scary moments. I must admit the first reveal of Kevin Dillon's character made me hoot with laughter, but in a late 80s movie the tough kid has to have a luxurious mullet and an earring. It's the law. Until they remake Son of the Blob (and I hope they do), The Blob (1988) remake is the best of the bunch.
"Even though I yelled at the old man not to poke the mysterious contents with a stick, he did anyway..."
Crack me up! Why don't they ever listen to us?
Glad you found a Blob you like. I am also laughing thinking about you yelling at the old man on the TV screen.
You forgot the most important unusual fact about this film, it actually has the balls to kill off a kid! Octo and I were stunned by this fact the first time we saw this.
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