
The Flinstones

Family Circus

Andy Capp

Star Trek

First rule of Horrorthon is: watch horror movies. Second rule of Horrorthon is: write about it. Warn us. Tempt us. The one who watches the most movies in 31 days wins. There is no prize.
Happy Halloween everybody! Julie's working late and the boy doesn't have school tomorrow so he's heading to one of those crazy f...
"I know you're into cosplay, hon, but that's just sick!"
Andy Capp
Panel 1
Andy: “Tch! I’m getting’ worried, lad, e’re’s another article about what booze does to yer stommick. I reckon they’re wrong. Eh, will yer ‘ave a drink wi’ me?”
Bartender: “Sir, This is the last time I am going to say this to you. I don’t understand a word you are saying. Do you want a drink or not? I’m a busy man here. If you continue to bother me I will kick you out of my fine establishment.”
Panel 2
Andy: “Blimey, yer can be real nasty. E’ere’s a quid, mebbe is yer gave a bloke…”
Panel 3
Bartender: “Let me show you to the door”
Panel 4
Andy: (thinking) “Yer’ve got to admire ‘is principals”
Family Circus
Well my stomach feels better but I still have the splitting headache. Whatever, I'm outta here, pukeface!
"Yes that is a wet pink dog erection, and I am glad to see you."
"ok, just this once, but first you have to go brush your teeth and clip your nails."
Look, I told you: we're not doing it again until you kill my husband.
"For the last time, No! I do not want to know what the 'Marmaduke Signature Doggy Style' is!"
"No time for the ol' in-out, love. I've just come to read the meter!"
The Family Circus
"It's snowing outside! P.J, are you making it snow? Why that'll ruin half the crops! You know that, don't you, half the crops! That's what that... But it's good that you're making it snow, P.J, it's real good."
The Flintstones
Panel 1
Man carrying a sign that reads, “The end is near”
Fred: (thinking) “What a crackpot. Don’t these guys know that their predictions never come true?”
Panel 2
Fred: (thinking) “Heh heh, I’m so glad to be home, I can’t wait to take a nap before dinner”
Panel 3
Wilma: “Great news, Fred, Mother is moving in with us!”
"I feel so terribly lonely inside. I wish I was dead!"
star trek
kirk: hey, what's that on my leg?
spock: captain, logic dictates that kr'pak is fondling you with his third tentacle.
kr'pak (caption 1): hells no! i would never! you insult me and my people!
kr'pak (caption 2): (pause)
ok, that IS my third tentacle.
Family Circus
"Off I go! Another day of leaving you messy little shits alone. For the love of God will someone please call DCS and put you kids in a foster home so we can have some peace!"
Andy Capp
Panel 1
Andy: "Ya know Floyd, you really should invest in some bar stools 'ere"
Floyd: "Why? You seem to be balanced quite well against the bar."
Panel 2
Andy: "Well if there are no stools to fall off, how will you know when we've had enough?"
Panel 3
Floyd: "That's easy, when you start to smell like urine."
Panel 4
Star Trek
Panel 1
Narrator: Kirk & Spock have a casual meeting with the Squaarlarchians.
Kirk: "I say Felchaar, I wish more species would have casual hot tub meetings like this. Only one problem, where are the women?"
Panel 2
Spock: "By the way Craanmaar and Maalchaar are looking at you Captain, it is logical to assume that they ARE the women."
Felchaar: "Yes and I am sorely disappointed that Uhura hasn't joined us. Oh well, Captain Kirk I'm sure your familiar with the term Ménage à trois?"
Star Trek
Panel 1
Narrator: Afterwards, somewhere more quiet...
Kirk: My God! You Squaarlarchians are indeed masters of pleasure! Whatever's going on under the water has me completely relaxed and aroused!
Spock: Indeed, Captain. While I can't show human excitement as you are, there is logic in stimulating my... pleasure centers in this fashion.
Kr'pak: Great Florbish above! You motherfucking Starfleet fuckers are always so motherfucking racist. That's the tub's automatic cleaning cables checking your tracts for any additional slaver parasites after the attacks.
By the way, the computer says your tracts are totally gross.
The Flintstones
Panel 1
On the sign: The Comet is Coming
Fred (thinks): Weird. Why is that crazy guy hanging out in a residential neighborhood where few can see him?
Panel 2
Fred (thinks): Well, I can afford to be detachedly amused, as I'm home from work and surely he has no bearing on my situation...
Panel 3
Wilma: Look, Fred! It's me from the future. Apparently everything dies in twenty years and we're the only ones that make it. That's you out front, by the way...
Andy Capp
Panel 1
Andy: Oy! I'va forchun in Andy Capp Pub Fries loot t' spend and I wunna nuvva drink!
Bartender: You don't need another drink
Panel 2
Andy: I don' need anuvver drink...
Panel 3
Bartenter: Jedi mind trick, son. Now watch as I raise my hand and eject you without making contact
Panel 4
(Subtle bass sound as force powers are used)
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