Toad Road is an old legend from near where I grew up. Located in Lancaster, PA (some say York area), the Toad Road is the true entrance to Hell. You pass through seven gates as you continue down the path. Eventually, you will reach the final gate and enter Hell. This is a legend I have explored with members of my paranormal team and I am still here. I cannot decide if I like the movie or not. It is a challenge to sit through, but the thoughts of the movie still linger after a few weeks. Kinda like Taco Bell can linger for a few days. Anyway..
This drug induced film centers around the main character and his love interest. They are heavy drug users and eventually the drugs lose their ability to entertain them. That is the best way to put it. She learns of the urban legend "The Toad Road". As one walks the path, they pass each of the 7 gates of Hell they become disoriented and eventually lose themselves to Hell. I will stop there, the synopsis will give too much away.
The idea is fascinating because of my knowledge of the legend and the setting. However, the movie is a challenge to watch. Not because it is bad, but because it is very heavy. You feel as if you are part of the path they follow. The cinema-photography is rich, each level they pass brings a new visual element that can be subtle at times and less than at others. As a side note, they actress who played Sarah died of a drug overdose after filming was complete.
Like I said, I am not sure if I liked the movie or not.. But it stuck with me.
"It is a challenge to sit through, but the thoughts of the movie still linger after a few weeks. Kinda like Taco Bell can linger for a few days." Haha! I'm not sure what to make of this movie. Your ambivalence is keeping me away from it...
Like I said, it touches a myth near where I grew up. If it was not for that, I am not sure I would have sat through it. It was better than the English Patient though.
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