I think it's hilarious that Sharon Stone has decried her crotch shot from Basic Instinct for many years and now the poster for the new film strongly suggests that old scene. I've read interviews where she claims that she had no idea that her crotch could be seen and that she was angry at Paul V. because of it, blah, blah, blah.
Really? I remember hearing at the time that it was her idea.
I'll see if I can track down some info on it.
Yeah, the gossip guy in the Village Voice said, "Confidential to Sharon Stone: Nobody believes that you didn't know"
Ha ha, excellent. Man, how much better would it be if SS just embraced her sluttier self? Close the gap between sex and "respectable" in this stupid repressed country.
That gap will be as difficult to close as...
(forget it)
Her career was launched by that "gap". What a weird film to make a sequel to. Also, what the hell ever happened to Paul Verhoven?
Absolutely nobody is interested in this movie EXCEPT Sharon Stone, who's at her "Beverly Hills Cop III" "Godfather Part III" "Blues Brothers 2000" career juncture. Nobody ever adequately plays this particular card well because you always end up getting around to it MUCH later than would be effective, because of denial issues or whatever.
"because you always end up getting around to it MUCH later than would be effective" Like the upcoming Rocky 6, Rambo 4, and Indiana Jones 4?
Well, if you guys didn't pick up the "gap" thing, I was gonna have to.
According to imdb, Verhoeven's got two things in production for '06. The Beast of Bataan and something called Zwartboek, which is a stranger title even than "Zathura."
Here's hoping for a Starship Troopers or Robocop, instead of a Hollow Man, or...well, you know.
Man, what the hell happened to Verhoeven? Those upcoming projects don't sound very promising.
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