"Ok, I can honestly say that Bloodrayne is Uwe Boll's best film. At the very least, it's his best video game adaptation. Again, like Alone in the Dark was a vast improvement over House of the Dead, it says a lot, but still doesn't mean all that much. Maybe I should say this, it's his most competent film to date. It looks like an actual movie. Not a direct to video movie, a real movie. It has some fairly decent production values, and doesn't look like it was shot or edited by a 10 year old. Mostly. In fact, I'm a little disappointed, because I was looking forward to trashing this thing worse than anything Steven Seagal has produced in the past five years, but this let me down.
Read the rest here.
Here's what's weirding me out: on all the posters I've been seeing for this flick, Kristanna Loken just doesn't look that good. I really don't get it. This is the POSTER, she's the CHICK ON THE POSTER, and her face looks puffy and unspectacular. That poster of Jennifer Garner for Daredevil? Awesome. The big, blue-eyed Kate Beckinsale poster for Underworld 2? It entices me although I find the very thought of "Underworld 2" insulting. But this poster does nothing.
I can handle a bad movie, but bad marketing? C'mon, get those airbrushes working!
I should be clear: I think the lady herself is very good-looking; her image is just being mishandled somehow. I am gratified that she shows off some skin in this flick.
Yeah I agree. I think she's not wearing much makeup and she's trying too hard to look like a badass. I'm just not buying her "serious" look.
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