Every few years I get the urge to watch the Planet of the Apes movie series. Like The Yellow Submarine or The Monkees' Head, I want to love these movies yet time and time again I'm let down. I'm not really sure why I never learn my lesson. Perhaps the concept intrigues me and, like a fine wine, I believe that these films will become better with age. I've never seen the live action or animated POTA TV series and with Fox's recent announcement about the forthcoming "Ultimate DVD Collection", I'm experiencing those old stirrings again. I haven't watched the POTA films in about 8 years, they can't be that bad right?
"From the HOLY CRAP THIS IS COOL FILES comes this bit of news! Fox is unleashing a monstrous, 14-disc collection of the Planet of the Apes series on March 28th, 2006, that includes Planet of the Apes , Beneath The Planet Of The Apes , Escape From Planet Of The Apes , Conquest Of Planet Of The Apes and Battle For Planet Of The Apes, as well as the Apes TV series, the 2001 remake, the freakin' cartoon I grew up on, and so, so, so much more!
Here's the press bit:
Planet Of The Apes: The Ultimate DVD Collection- a 14-disc set in a Limited Edition collectable ape-head packaging based on the designs that earned make-up artist John Chambers an honorary Oscar®. The Ape –head is modeled after Roddy McDowall's character Caesar, the son of the late simians Cornelius and Zira who l eads the apes to revolution in Conquest of the Planet of the Apes . The Ultimate Collection includes all five Original movies (1968-1973), the complete series of the Planet of the Apes (1974) TV Show and the Never-Before-Released Saturday Morning Cartoon TV series: Return to the planet of the Apes (1975) as well as the 2001 re-imagining of the Planet Of The Apes mythology. The Planet Of The Apes franchise stars such silver-screen luminaries as Ricardo Montalban ( Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan ), Sal Mineo ( Rebel Without A Cause ), John Huston ( Chinatown ), Mark Wahlberg ( Boogie Nights ), Michael Clarke Duncan ( Daredevil ) and Tim Roth ( Reservoir Dogs ). Bonus features include audio commentaries, featurettes, image galleries, outtakes and much more.
The fantastic Planet Of The Apes: The Ultimate DVD Collection box set will be available for a suggested retail price of $179.98 U.S./$249.98 Canada ."
Like "Free to Be You and Me," Planet of the Apes is something I never really spent time with as a kid, therefore I don't have any nostalgic connection to it. Without such a connection, I've always found it to be a pretty useless franchise.
However, I really like Yellow Submarine. I forget, what's your beef with that movie?
I always go into Yellow Submarine with enthusiasm, but after Jeremy is introduced I start to find it to be tedious. I don't know why I don't enjoy it. I want to love it but I just can't get into it. Also, in more recent years the revelation that the Beatles aren't actually doing the voices totally ruins it for me.
You Blue Meanie.
The phrase "collectable ape-head" is my favorite part of this whole thing
BTW I agree that Yellow Submarine has pacing problems. It's just amazing that they got so much, so right, back in '67 (in other words, SO pre-anime, pre-disney-rebirth etc) with what was essentially a vanity project
I'm certain that the "Collectible ape head" is why it's so friggin' expensive! I hate these promo DVD sets that come in strange sizes bercause they don't fit on the shelves and they look bad standing next to standard sized DVDs. I have the Battlestar Galactica DVD set that came in that ginat Cylon head. Soon after they released it in regular packaging. I'm so pissed!
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