Phoenix pics

From ainitcoolnews, "a couple new pics from X3 courtesy of our humble and kind spy "Ur A Loser." I haven't seen these pop up anywhere else, yet, so this may be super special story! Anyway, you get a full look at Juggernaut's front... which is a little worrying. I'm hoping they'll touch up those muscle suit wrinkles with CG before the film hits theaters. I could see something like that ending up really distracting. I must say I like the arms, though, so it's not a total botch-job in my eyes. The second pic is of Colossus and Rogue taking a breather during a battle. I sure hope we get more steel Colossus than we did in X2. I'm expecting to see the big shiny lug smashing some heads. Anyway, here are the pics! Enjoy!"
That last picture looks like something from asn old Star Trek set!
Yeah, there's a backlot filled with rubble that ALL the studios rent time on.
I've been catching up on Babylon 5, and the staginess of their sets is pretty in your face. The bad guys are always hiding in the same cluttered hallways filled with plastic crates.
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