"CountingDown has a spiffy new photo posted for X-men 3 of the Beast chatting it up with Xavier, Wolverine ( THE MAN ) and Storm. Third installment of the X-Men films. No story has been confirmed, BUT, I think its safe to say that the third part will revolve around the Phoenix saga.
Reports indicate the producers want to skip ahead and go straight into the Dark Phoenix story. New characters rumored to be in X3 include Gambit, Beast, Angel, Psylocke, Emma Frost, Dazzler, Juggernaut and possibly the Sentinels. Click the image for the fullsize one."
I'm not sure how I feel about this Beast. Does he really beleive that he looks more acceptable if he's wearing a suit?
Oh, I like the Beast's suit. Hank McCoy always has this air of respectability about him.
It's Gambit I'm worried about. Gambit sucks the suck out of suck. He SUCKS. Bad idea from the very start. In the Ultimate universe, they were smart enough to kill him already (although Ultimate Rogue got his powers and stupid accent).
What's with Storm's short hair? I'm not diggin' it.
They're trying to distract you from the fact that's not Halle Berry.
Oh fuck! It is her. With all her "I'm not doing it" talk, I forgot.
So yeah, what the deuce with that hair?
Perhaps she finally realized that she shouldn't cop the whole diva persona when the X-Men franchise will be the most popular films of her career and what she'll most likely be remembered for. How many other films of hers can you name outside of Monste's Ball and that Travolta topless movies she was in?
i'm all for lending grace and sophistication to the beast, but couldn't they find someone with grace and sophistication that wasn't kelsey fucking grammer? what's next? louie anderson as the blob?
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