Moviesonline, "New Line provided us with the first 5 official images for "Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning", which hits theaters October 6th. The origins of the legendary horror character Leatherface will finally be revealed in this movie. The film, which is set years before the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie, stars Jordana Brewster and is being directed by Jonathan Liebesman."
Remember when Episode 1 came out and I said this was gonna start a rash of prequels just like SW created sequel-culture? No? Well, I did.
The remake thing, though, I don't think that's Star Wars's fault.
Jordana Brewster is a cutie, though. Not quite the curves of Jessica Biel, but a prettier face. Or so I say.
"Remember when Episode 1 came out and I said this was gonna start a rash of prequels" Nope, therefore it never happened!
"Once upon a time,
Exactly long enough ago for today's low-cut hip-hugger jeans to have been in style...
There was an incident in Texas."
Shh! If you mention the jeans are anachronistic, they'll digitally change them in the final cut.
Yeah, where are the HUGE bell bottoms?
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