Aintitcoolnews had an interview with Frank Miller, which included this bit, "The two then talked about SIN CITY, the comic and movie(s). Brownstein: "Whereas your superhero books are contemporary, SIN CITY is timeless." FM: "I wanted to have a grab-bag of all the cool things from every era--cellfones exist with 1940s cars and hookers wear Versace cause I say so." Brownstein: "How do you address critics who say it's a bad influence on kids ?" FM: "I don't believe in the whole 'monkey see, monkey do' thing." He elaborated by explaining that Frederic Wertham's famous writing of comic's "dangers" have scared everyone. "I'd say he should 'burn in hell', but what would be the point." The two then talked about how the SIN CITY movie came about with Miller again explaining how Rodriguez convinced him, due to the fact that Rodriguez "isn't Hollywood. Austin, Tx. is NOT Hollywood, thank God," and that he felt like "a kid in a candy-store" shooting the flick. He explained that part 2 would mainly focus on A DAME TO KILL FOR with an original story about Nancy, post-Hartigan's death, with a BABE WITH BLUE EYES story thrown in. When Brownstein asked what "49-yr-old elder-statesman" Miller ("You dick.") thought his generation's biggest acheivement was ? "We kept it alive. We made the voice of the author heard more clearly." And what he'd like to see from the next generation ? "Better comics."
Then came the Q & A where he again emphasised that he'd like to direct more and is definitely involved with the upcoming HARD BOILED movie. He said 300 has finished principal photography, but "has A LOT of special F/X... should be out by 2007." The final question: when does SIN CITY 2 begin shooting. This one was a head-scratcher. "May. Maybe June." (Jesus H. Christ--what is Rodriguez on that he shoots three flicks back-to-back-to-back ?!) He left to a standing ovation again."
1 comment:
Jeez, that's a lot of stuff. I didn't know there was a 300 movie. Could be good...maybe there'll be a clashing-sword movie without orcs on one side and I'll like it.
I'd say the jury's still out on whether he can direct a whole movie, but I'll certainly see it to find out.
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