From Bloodydisgusting, "It was revealed today that New Line Cinema is working on a remake of Friday the 13th, not the earlier reported prequel, according to Fangoria. Series creator Sean Cunningham explains, "New Line is aggressively pursuing a new film.” As for who is slated to take the directorial reins, Cunningham says, “I’m flattered that [New Line] is interested, but I’m not really involved, at least not at this point.” Even though Fango is claiming that the new Jason Voorhees flick will be a remake, nothing has been officially confirmed as of yet- watch this spot for more news soon. In the original, many years after two summer camp councilers are killed at Camp Crystal Lake, the owner decides to reopen, which sparks a series of grisly murders. The murderer ends up being the mother of a camper who died because of the counslers irresponsibility."

UPDATE: "Michael Bay's horror shingle Platinum Dunes ("The Texas Chainsaw Massacre", "The Amityville Horror") is set to produce the eleventh film in the "Friday the 13th" franchise for New Line Cinema.
Following the origins of the Jason Voorhees character, the studio is rushing the film into production in hopes to have it ready for this coming Friday October 13th, three weeks before Halloween.
Former net scribe Mark Wheaton ("The Messengers", "Son of the Morning Star") will pen the script."
How would a remake be any different than any other installment? All the sequels are remakes because it's the same damn story.
They should do a movie in which Crystal Lake is struck by a spatial anomaly and several different time zones form in the camp. So you'll have campers from the 80's running into campers from other decades, and while they get baffled by iPods and the like, they're all being chased by Jason.
There was an ep of ST: Voyager like this.
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