I Watch Stuff posted this really encouraging pic of Juggernaut. Just look at the raw power. Sigh. Poor guy, he looks ridiculous. I can't even settle on a joke, but if a picture is worth a thousand words, know that some of them are "leather daddy" and "Robert Altman's Popeye." I feel like a publicity team on the ball would never let such a photo get taken, or especially distributed. The generic motel room background really kills it. Then again, these would be the same people who thought up this yawn-inducing add campaign, so maybe all this pic needs is the words "take a stand."

Hulk smash, er Bane smash, er, I mean Jaggernaut smash!
Ugh.. Please tell me that's not really Juggernaut. His name and costume are already perfect. It's really not that hard, just emulate the comic book version as close as possible and make the guy 5 times the size of a normal man. This guy looks like Rob Halford!
I agree. The traditional Juggernaut didn't have any of this leather strap business, and he really should have a helmet.
For a while I've been thinking the way to make a super-strong character interesting is to play up how scary it would be to be around someone like that. If there was someone in the room who could just effortlessly start snapping bones and crushing skulls, I think that would be damn unnerving even if he was on your side.
They get to that in Miracleman, not just to the genocide-level degree of Bates's London, but the smaller stories, too. Like the clone of Young Nastyman that wakes up and parties in Iceland -- they heard tales of a sailor "with hideous strength and hideous appetite." And there's a story in the Miracleman: Apocrypha miniseries (anyone read that? No?) in which Bates rapes his first woman at age 11. For a moment you're in her head, and she's thinking "he's so strong."
Anyway, I hope the leather J-man here does more than bend some fake girders. They could do a cg rampage that would feel really original.
I can't believe how stupid this looks!
It's the ridiculous hotel room setting as Octo said. It's like, "You said you'd take a publicity photo of me now that I've got the costume on." "What? But our dinner reservation...oh, all right. Hold still. No, just right over there by the couch. FLASH! Okay, that'll do. Call the limo..."
You're right about the Miracleman references. Remember when Bates turnes into Kid Miracleman in the asylum and flicks the guy's head off with his thumb and ring finger?
"You said you'd take a publicity photo of me now that I've got the costume on." "What? But our dinner reservation...oh, all right. Hold still. No, just right over there by the couch. FLASH! Okay, that'll do. Call the limo..."
Oh God I can't stop laughing at this comment!
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