You know I'm right, because you know it would end with Robin Williams's hairy fists just pounding on Martin's face, which we've all fantasized about since Jimmy Glick.
First rule of Horrorthon is: watch horror movies. Second rule of Horrorthon is: write about it. Warn us. Tempt us. The one who watches the most movies in 31 days wins. There is no prize.
Happy Halloween everybody! Julie's working late and the boy doesn't have school tomorrow so he's heading to one of those crazy f...
Oh God that's funny! How about a 3-way with those 2 and Tom Hanks kid character from Big? Man, that movie still pisses me off.
How about (Okay, Annie Hall-era) Woody Allen from those sequences where he shows up in his old Brooklyn classroom as "himself" (while the kid Woody Allen is at the other end of the room)? Okay, forget it. I think I need another two hours of sleep
I love that scene
The grown-up Woody Allen would still lose!
I concur that "Big" is complete garbage for late '80s whiners. I hated all that "Hey, let's get back in touch with our child-like feelings after ten years of robbing everybody blind." Accidental Tourist, Regarding Henry, etc. All these corporate yuppies suddenly discovering daisies, candy etc. and suffering.
At the time, my line was, "I wasn't invited to their party and I refuse to participate in their hangover."
And why do people think that scene with the damn foot piano is so amazing? So what!
Vice Versa with Judge Reinhold was far more entertaining, but of that trio of Freaky Friday knockoffs (18 Again being the 3rd), Big got this stupid credit as the "serious" one somehow. I could never understand how you can have a comedy that involves a missing child.
Not to mention that Mr. Hanks is not behaving like a child; he's behaving like a showing-off adult pretty much throughout. Whenever I saw the poster I wanted to smack that fucking fatuous smirk off his face.
R.I.P. everyone's "inner child"; I think they all vanished on 9/11 or thereabouts. Good riddance.
I also liked Vice Versa. Reinhold is so much better at playing a child than Hanks was. I love his big speech to the board of directors where he lays out his complaint and then adds, "and it REALLY SUCKS!" The look on his face is so beautifully sincere.
Vice Versa is definitley the one to beat. I agree about wanting to smash Tom Hanks whenever I saw those Big posters. And, yeah, why the hell was that stupid piano scene such a defining moment for so many people?
Have you ever walked through a department store and come upon some jerk in the toy department attempting to reproduce Hanks' "delightful" chopsticks routine on a foot piano? Ugh!
It seems we all agree about "Big"!
Did anyone see "Switch" ("Jimmy Smits"?) I never saw it but it's another approach to the body-switching genre. ("Jimmy Smits.")
I saw Switch. Lame. Not that a gender-switching story is instantly lame, but this one was. The one interesting thing I recall was "her" reaction after she and Jimmy Smits get drunk and have sex, but it's just a plot device to get her pregnant.
In Promethea, one of Alan Moore's ABC comics, there's a superhero group called "Five Swell Guys," except one of them is a woman (and a babe, at that) with a man's name. It's revealed later, in passing, that the character WAS a man until a mishap during one of their recent supervillain encounters. And now he has a problem with one of his co-heroes looking at his breasts. THAT's more interesting. But Switch was 'toopid.
Jimmy Smits.
Jimmy Smits
Jimmy Kirk switched places with a babe in the last TOS episode as everyone knows. Shatner got to play the evil bitch and the actress got off a reasonably good Shatner impression. Still pretty much the dregs of TOS Trek though.
Jimmy Kirk.
"Have you ever walked through a department store and come upon some jerk in the toy department attempting to reproduce Hanks' "delightful" chopsticks routine on a foot piano?" Oh God yes! That's so funny that you mention that. I remeber going into an FAO after that film and seeing exactly that. I wanted to say, "Dude, it wasn't funny in the movie so you have no chance..."
And that floor piano in NYC became so dirty and scratched after a while, they shunted it into a corner.
Imagine Entertainment's logo should be a little Tom Hanks leaping on a foot piano, desperately trying to appear cute, loveable and vulnerable so as to sugarcoat whatever slick corporate message their drilling into our heads.
Gentlemen, please change the above "their" to "they're" so I don't look illiterate. Thank you
Damn, I've been hearing Chopsticks in my head all afternoon!
"Their" instead of "they're?" Oh my god, you have no credibility now. How can we listen to you after THAT?
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