I know I'll be crucified for saying so, but I thought Part III was fun. From Iwatchstuff, "As if the franchise hadn't been bled enough as it is, producer Frank Marshall said in a recent interview that Jurassic Park IV "has a good script now, so we should have that one up and running next year for release in 2008."
The way they're treating Jurassic Park reminds me of an old folk tale in which a man finds a tree with the best apples he's ever seen. Everyone loves the apples, so he keeps going back for more to sell every day, but the village keeps liking them less and less because he's run out of the good fruit and he's forced to pick the rotten and not-yet-ripe apples. Then, they make three sequels to this folk tale, and they're all pretty shitty and about dinosaurs."
I LOVED part III! It was teriffic. Much better than II.
Joe Johnston (he of "OBSOLETE! Obsolete?" fame did a great job directing and actually showed up Spielberg.
I thought the kid's comments about Ian Malcolm's book "It was just all 'Chaos' this and 'chaos' that" was a veiled dis on Spielberg's movie.
The problem with part two was that Ian Malcolm, as portrayed by Goldblum in part one, is just not a suitable protagonist. (Chrichton's version of the character is very different.) See my remarks elsewhere on Horrorthon about Spielberg's heart not being in it after Schindler's List and Amistad.
I especially liked the way that Joe Johnston (being an ILM guy) made sure that the pt. III sets EXACTLY matched the locations from Part II.
Also I like Tea Leone and Bill Macy MUCH more than that odious actress named Julianne Moore.
I though III had legs, too. Good adventure movie without the requisite pomposity. And I like Sam Neill.
Octopunk said it best when JPIII first came out. He described it as being a "monster movie". This was just a balls to the wall chase and it never let up.
I didn't like how
Goldblum's "daughter" was African American without explanation. It's Spielberg saying, "Look how progressive I am!" It just ended up being distracting and obvious. Remember all the kids in Hook?
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