From Darkhorizons, "The Jim Henson Co. has set animated series creator Genndy Tartakovsky ("Samurai Jack", "Star Wars: The Clones Wars") to direct "Power of the Dark Crystal," sequel to 1982 fantasy film "The Dark Crystal" reports Variety.
Tartakovsky's Orphanage Animation Studios will take the lead on the CG animation elements for the puppet-driven film. Brian Froud has returned to design the new characters.
Set hundreds of years after the first pic, sequel follows a mysterious girl made of fire who steals a shard of the crystal in hopes of reigniting the dying sun.Annette Duffy and David Odell penned the script.
The puppets this time around will operate amid a CGI backdrop. Henson will secure a domestic distributor by the time the film begins production in late summer."
From Iwatchstuff: "The second chapter, titled Power of the Dark Crystal, will take place hundreds of years after the original, following a mysterious girl made of fire who steals a shard of the crystal, hoping to use it to re-ignite the dying sun. I don't know how they're planning on showing this film takes place hundreds of years after the first, but I'd recommend talking to Keith Richards, who's done a stellar job of appearing hundreds of years older.

But you know who's not looking older? That hot female Muppet from the first Dark Crystal. She's still looking like Gwyneth Paltrow hybrid with a cat, which it turns out is exactly what I go for."
Yes, I admit it, I've never seen The Dark Crystal nor have I had any desire to do so. It has a pretty big following (but so does Goonies) and a CG sequel could be interesting. Discuss.
What's weird about the DC is that it's such a Star Wars ripoff. You wouldn't think so, given the setting, but the main guy is a total Luke analog. The original is definitely worth seeing, but you'll never lose sight of the fact that they're muppets. The main characters are actually the least realistic, because they're meant to look quasi-attractive compared to all the creatures.
I recommend you watch it with Ben. Did they ever make toys?
I really have no idea what a puppet/cg feature will look like. Could be total crap, or maybe not. We'll see.
"Did they ever make toys?" See toy blog!
I saw Dark Crystal and, ten minutes later, had pretty much forgotten the whole thing hook line and sinker. Something about this glowing crystal and a bunch of naked chickens or something. If you're going to make a fantasy movie don't just re-tell Star Wars (Octopunk is correct) and don't use a bunch of fucking muppets because the head-space of watching muppets is vaudvillian and doesn't work in a fantasy context. I know, Yoda. So what; I'm still right.
"Something about this glowing crystal and a bunch of naked chickens" You got a problem with naked chicks?
I meant "plucked chickens"; thanks :)
The naked chick rating for Dark Crystal is a big fat zero. Just thought I'd point that out.
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