From Superherohype, "Warner Bros. Pictures is already planning the next installments to Batman Begins and Superman Returns, with respective helmers Christopher Nolan and Bryan Singer in line to return, reports Variety.
While neither director's deal is closed, the studio has hired Jonah Nolan -- Christopher's brother -- to write the screenplay for the untitled "Batman" project. The studio has options on "Begins" star Christian Bale and "Returns" star Brandon Routh.
Next installment in the Caped Crusader franchise is further along in the process since "Begins" was released last summer; Singer's "Returns," now in post-production, doesn't get released until June 30. "Batman" and "Superman" sequels could make their debut in 2008 and 2009, respectively.

Legendary Pictures, which put up half the financing for both "Begins" and "Returns," is expected to board the sequels and split the budgets 50/50 with Warner Bros. In return, Legendary would split all profits, also 50/50.
One idea being tossed about is for Singer to direct a "Superman" sequel soon after he finishes with Warner's remake of sci-fi thriller Logan's Run, which he's also expected to direct.
The trade says Logan's Run is tentatively scheduled to begin shooting this fall in Vancouver. If Singer did pact to direct the "Superman" sequel, that film could be shot in Vancouver as well.
Singer is also set to direct The Mayor of Castro Street, which is in development at Warner Bros.
"Begins" co-writers David Goyer and Christopher Nolan wrote a treatment for the sequel."
It's good to hear that they've got their directors on board, so they don't pull an X3 (which, even if it's good, demonstrated how not to treat a director of successful movies).
I wonder if this is the start of the DC wave of comic movies, now that the Marvel one has crested (which is disputable, but it feels that way after FF).
I want a Miracle Man film!
Wow, I wonder if those licenses are all tangled up still. They probably are, since those stories haven't been reprinted in years. Even the trade paperbacks are hard to find.
I have one of the trade paperbacks and it's worth like $200 on Ebay.
I'd always assumed that eventually the details would even out and maybe they'd even finish that last arc. Still waiting.
"Marvel owns Zero rights to miracleman, but they are helping to fund Neil Gaiman in a legal battle against Todd McFarlane, who bought the stable of Eclipse Characters when they folded. Basically, Gaiman inherited Alan Moore and Gary Leach's creator rights, while McFarlane bought up the publisher's rights to the character, and they each technically own about half. There is an implicit understanding that if Gaiman does win his case, Marvel will have first crack at reprinting them, but that's all for Marvel's involvement." Sigh.
What's that you say? McFarlane's a dick?
God, the cumulative damage to the culture that man has inflicted. Bad toys, bad comics, bad movie. Now he's holding up Miracleman.
"Now he's holding up Miracleman." I know! Isn't that the ultimate F-you from McFarlane? This man must be stopped, everything he touches turns to shit.
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