"Hey, can somebody please pass the ketchup?"
In a takeoff of 50s horror movies, mutant tomatoes are attacking and killing citizens in the USA. The government takes action, but will it be enough? And who is behind the these attacks, anyway?
I was disappointed that Killer Tomatoes is NOT the worst movie ever made. Sure, it's not scary at all, but I had several chuckles, and I've seen many worse movies in my life. It has lots of little jokes and sight gags, kind of like a not-very-good "Airplane." I fell asleep watching it twice but was finally able to finish the sucker last night. Ironically, my DVD player has eaten this DVD- it is jammed in there good and tight, so one way or another watching this movie is gonna cost me. Horrific as that is, it still isn't the worst movie ever.
Oh, it's pretty bad though. Just that song that makes the tomatoes die is hard to take.
(It burned my butt that Tim Burton stole an idea from this movie in order to end Mars Attacks.)
You are pulling out all the stops AC!
Well kids, I'm off to FL for the weekend! Will check in periodically but I don't think I'll be watching much - check that - ANY horror flicks with my wimpy sisters.
AC: Actually I never saw this film. It was the sequel that I watched, which made me want to slit my wrists.
DCD: What, they don't have horror movies in Florida?
if the not-worst movie in the world broke your dvd player, what kind of damage did the worst one do?
Octo: "pretty bad" is a fair assessment. i had just heard "worst movie ever" from so many people.
from imdb: The song "Puberty Love" was performed by Matt Cameron, who would later go on to be the drummer for Soundgarden and Pearl Jam.
dcd, have a fab time in FL; do continue to weigh in as possible! we are entering the home stretch and need the reinforcement. :)
jpx, does the sequel potentially hold title for worst movie ever?
hi-larious i'mnotmarc! point taken.
In 6 years of Horrorthon, Return Of The Killer Tomatoes (1988), is the worst film I ever endured. Marsha Brady starred. I just learned that there was a second sequel, Return of the Killer Tomatoes (1990). It's all yours, babe.
ummm.... i already have my lineup for the rest of the thon all set....
My God, 3 different avatars in one post! Impressive, most impressive.
JPX, do you realize you said the second and third sequels have the same title?
Fabulous review AC!
Have fun in FL DCD!
Oops, there were actually 3 sequels, Return of the Killer tomatoes, The Killer Tomatoes Strike Back, and The Killer Tomatoes Eat France.
i did in fact go to my local video store to look for the sequels. no luck, but i did find a couple other really bad movies to work into the lineup.
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