JPX is not alone in his disappointment of The Hitcher. The characters were boring, and the film was predictable, with barely a hint of excitement or creativity to compensate for this. There was, however, one scene that did stick out to me. After, as JPX nicely put it, the “horror-movie-cinematic-every-couple,” have escaped the hitcher and awoken from their nap, they hit the road again to discover the creepy hitcher riding in the back of a station wagon with a Jesus loving family. The viewer knows this because their car is sporting a bumper sticker that says, “Honk if You Love Jesus.” Unfortunately, Jesus couldn’t save them, and the husband, wife, and two young kids are brutally murdered by the hitcher. The husband does however live long enough to pray. It is that very fast paced, repetitive praying, that brings that five letter word to mind, “crazy.”
I couldn’t help but wonder about the point that is being made? The thought has to cross your mind that how can someone still maintain his or her religious devotion after his or her family has been viciously murdered? How can a person undoubtedly maintain his or her faith when his or her children have been slaughtered? What kind of God allows children to be slain? If such calamity can strike upon a decent Jesus loving family, then what does that mean for the rest of the world?
Is this films message that not even Jesus can protect you from the world’s darkness? Or is it, that the bonds of religious devotion are so strong that not even tragedy can break them?
Hilarious picture and good point. I like how you focused on that one small movie moment. It's true, after his family was slaughtered the idiot is still saying a prayer. If they died it's "God's will" and if they lived it's "a miracle". There's no way to argue with that kind of logic, er, I mean magic.
I suspect they were alluding to the story of Job. That was the one where God and Satan made a sick wager that Job would never lose his faith. They slaughtered his family and friends and took everything from him just to prove his loyalty.
Anyway I think that more than anything else, people find comfort in prayer as it offers an alternative to the harsh reality of death. It's too much for some people to believe that a loved one simply no longer exists. God conforms to wishful thinking and human arrogance (i.e. eternal life).
Job is an excellent example JSP.
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