Like Lemora, Rabid is another movie that I’ve been unsuccessfully peddling for years so I’ll give it one last shot. With the possible exception of the Brood, Rabid is my personal favorite David Cronenberg movie. Starring Marilyn Chambers, (whom you may remember from such adult films as Lusty Busty Fantasies and Fluffy Cumsalot) Rabid is a relentless splatter-fest that can proudly be filed next to Romero’s Dawn of the Dead (unless of course, you file your movies alphabetically in which case it might rest next to Raging Bull).
After a nasty motorcycle accident, Sue undergoes experimental skin graft surgery. The side effects of the complete disaster of a transplant include a weird orifice that lunges out of her armpit, infecting people with a vicious strain of rabies and as well as an unquenching thirst for blood. Her first victim is the deserving doctor who unprofessionally gets drawn in by her sexual advances. She sensually kisses him, bites him then rips a portion of his skin off.
A little later the doctor, feeling a tad under the weather starts foaming at the mouth in the back of a taxi. He viciously gnashes at the cabbie, causing a horrible car crash. By now, Sue has found more victims including an orderly and a woman in a hot tub. There begins her deadly feeding spree, enabled by an endless supply of stupid horny guys to prey on.
I consider Rabid a zombie flick despite the “rabies” explanation. There are some important distinctions though. First and foremost, the crazies eventually go into shock and die shortly thereafter. Also noteworthy is that they can be killed with a bullet to the chest. And then there’s Sue, the source of all the mayhem who never acknowledges her reign of terror. Chambers' bad acting actually works in favor of the film as you’re left wondering whether or not she is even aware of what she is doing.
Like most Cronenbergers, the violence in the movie is always unexpected and jaw dropping. They simply don’t make’em like this anymore. They try, Tarantino and Rodriguez pay homage to it, but they’re incapable of duplicating it. Cronenberg perfectly captures the sense of widespread panic that springs from the few isolated attacks. And the authorities react both quickly and realistically, though they have to deal with more than just the frothing savages. There are also the panic stricken non-infected humans who behave barbaric for the sake of their own (sometimes perceived) self survival.

Rabid rules. A curse on those of you who haven't seen it.
bring back barney!
No, leave Barney where he is.
I don't know if I've even heard of this movie. Cronenberg's a nut.
This sounds great! I'll check it out in a future Thon.
You said that 4 Thons ago JPX...
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