Two teenaged girls are home watching TV. One tells the other about a rumor going around, about a videotape that when watched somehow causes the death of the watcher a week later. As it turns out, the second girl (Katie) had seen the tape a week prior, and after faking distress to tease her friend, ends up dead a few moments later. The friend is sufficiently traumatized by what she witnessed that she ends up in a psychiatric hospital. Katie's aunt is an investigative reporter and sets out to find out about Katie's death and the mysterious tape. As her investigation develops, a disturbing family tragedy is revealed.
The truth? This PG-13 movie is still one of the creepiest I've ever seen. I had seen it the year it came out but not since. This time around, of course I had to watch it home alone on a rainy, windy night, and I experienced a delicious sense of dread for much of the movie. My palms were damp at the end (I proactively called husband as the credits began to roll, to make sure the phone didn't ring just then). Why was I so creeped out? If you've seen it, you know why; if not, go rent it immediately!
I can't believe this movie is already 5 yrs old! It's still the one to beat. Everyone tried, failed, gave up and moved on to that torture porn crap...
I agree. Maybe because I saw this one first, but The Ring scared me more than Ju-On.
I've seen The Ring many times and, like Halloween, I still get creeped out every time I watch it. I continue to maintain that it's the scariest movie I've ever seen.
i have never seen Halloween.
There's still time AC!
it WOULD be fun to watch Halloween Wednesday night.
I watched Halloween so long ago, I barely remember it. JPX, can we watch Halloween on Halloween?
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