If you’re in the mood for an old fashioned B-movie romp you could do much worse than Motel Hell. I previously underrated it ** but I’ll admit that even Johnny Sweatpants can occasionally get it wrong. Or perhaps my standards have lowered.
The plot is so simple that it’s almost clever. Just how does Farmer Vincent make the best damn burgers in the whole damn world? By using people of course! Assisted by his twisted sister Ida, he rounds up victims and plants them in his garden, allowing only their heads exposure. To prevent the poor saps from screaming for help, he cuts their vocal chords out. This causes them to make gross, gurgling noises that are unsettling if watched while sipping your morning coffee. When they feel one is “ripe”, they pull him out of the ground, kill and cook him.
That’s it. Vincent’s motivation is nothing more than receiving compliments on his burgers. It rarely occurs to him that there may be something immoral about murder and cannibalism but he roundly dismisses such thoughts with sayings like “there’s too many people and not enough food” or the even catchier “meat’s meat and a man’s gotta eat”.
Motel Hell is played straight for the most part but it does sometimes revel in its own inadequacies. Its ideal setting is at the drive in on a Saturday night with a full moon and an even fuller cooler of beer and maybe some sandwiches.
husband quotes this one to me on a regular basis:
"It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent's fritters."
there may be a remake in the works.
Yeah! Twisted Sister!
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