1988 ( )
Boy, was this an unpleasant experience! Talk about pure horror...I certainly could go on at great length about the sheer, raw revulsion I experienced at the hands of this loveable purple dinosaur, in his first big screen adventure! I am going to detail the entire plot, involving lots of adorable little kids, and plenty of songs (you all know the one about how "I love you/You love me" etc., which I will amusingly point out is just a stale retread of "This Old Man"). I'm just getting started. Horrorthon '07 is immeasurably enriched by my sardonic remarks about the painful experience of inflicting this movie on myself. I wanted to poke my eyes out with a plastic fork! (That should convey how horrified I was!) It's not a horror movie, but so what...I'm sure you'll all agree that I deserve massive props just for watching this.
I think this one should count for you! That does sound truly dreadful =)
You understand that this is my rip on Johhny Sweatpants from yesterday (obviously)
I do!
That picture is very disturbing.
I didn't actually watch this, BTW. (Like there was any ambiguity)
The only thing worse is Teletubbies!
Not that I've ever watched it...
"Not that there's anything wrong with that..."
Thankfully, our Barney phase was short-lived.
I think I would win hands down in the "Horrorthon Kiddie Show" edition. I have seen them aaaallllll.
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