(1960) ****1/2
"A boy's best friend is his mother. "
Marion Crane is understandably tempted when 40,000 dollars in cash finds its way into her purse. The primary barrier to marriage with the man she loves is financial. Marion flees town with the cash, but catches some bad breaks along the way: being spotted by her boss, when she should be in bed with a headache; having a run-in with a perceptive and persistent cop. She stops on a black and rainy night at the Bates Motel, where the engaging young Norman is happy to put her up, feed her a sandwich, and make pleasant conversation. As the details of his own life emerge- he is trapped here, caring for a cantankerous, invalid mother- Marion realizes she has trapped herself by her theft, and intends to make things right in the morning. But it is too late.
Though I hadn't ever seen the film before, I couldn't help but be aware of all the key plot elements. This robbed the film of some of its horror potential. Still, Psycho is absolutely gorgeous visually, very well cast and very well acted, the score marvelous, the plotline farfetched but sufficiently plausible. If I put myself in the seat of an audience member in 1960 I am positive I would have had to avoid showering while home alone for at least a year. Now somewhat habituated to horror (a sad byproduct of Horrrothon), as soon as I finish this review I'm off to take one. I did have to dock a half star for the unnecessary psychiatric explanation towards the end of the film. The final scene with Norman would have been sufficient explanation and is much more powerful.
This film is not perfect, but I agree it is a masterpiece.
Nice review AC!
thank you DCD!
I don't think you should be afraid to watch Alien for the 'thon, by the way. Jordan is a whole different species of writer and we are not comparing ourselves (or anyone else) to him! :)
AC, check out Psycho 2 some time, it's surprisingly well done. Avoid 3 and 4 though. Nice review!
thanks for the recommendation JPX!
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