This was like biting into a cream puff and for some reason there's no cream inside, and there's actually a tiny "pfffffft" noise that you can hear. After the relative coolness of Hellraiser: Inferno (#5), it's completely inexcusable to have #6 have the same surprise at the end.
The dude from Oz plays the husband of good old Kirsty from Hellraisers 1 and 2. He's trying to piece his life together after a bad car accident leaves his wife dead and his memory fractured. Trying to make sense of it all is further handicapped by the fact that he is DEAD and IN HELL. It's so freakin' obvious from the second or third scene that none of the unfolding mystery around him is the least bit real; he's in Hell and he's being fucked with, and he's a bone-brained idiot for not knowing this. If I found myself in a blurry nightmare situation that suggested that I might be a murder suspect, and reality was constantly changing around me, I'd just let them take me in. Like Humperdink in Princess Bride, I'd say "skip to the end!"
But no, we've got to sit through 86 minutes of waking up, waking up again from that, spacing out at work and having a revealing flashback, et farking cetera. The ending did actually have a twist I didn't see coming, but it only showcased the bummer fact that this movie should have been about Kirsty and not the clown we'd been watching all this time. The only conclusion I can draw is that they only had enough money for a cameo, and Oz guy wasn't expensive yet as Oz hadn't yet happened.
Skip this one. The only redeeming feature I noticed was that Pinhead's voice is pretty resonant and enjoyable. I still don't like those flay-strips on his chest or his belly-button ring, but yeah, he's got a cool voice. So what.

Yeah I agree that this one stinks. It was nice to see Kristy again but the film itself is as predictable as a Full House episode. Hellworld is better...
It drives me nuts when movie people wake up into another dream! I can't cite another example though..
Is that the last of the Hellraisers? Are they planning more?
Also, which was the last Hellraiser to actually grace a movie theater?
Hellworld was the last Hellraiser movie. The last one to be shown in the theater was Hellraiser: Bloodline (part 4) I believe.
From AICN, So, we've gone through tons of remakes now and I've vented a lot. I've also expressed my opinion that not all remakes are inherently bad ideas, but most of them come from a place of pure marketing without any sort of passion or interesting group attached.
The HELLRAISER remake has been in the pipe-line for a while. I can't say I've been really happy about that, but that was due to my feeling that whatever direction the remake went it wouldn't come close to capturing the pure horror and just wrongness Clive Barker's original did. I remember as a kid HELLRAISER standing out from every other horror movie. The production design, the gore, the monsters... somehow it was more real, yet incredibly stylized at the same time. It was one of the "really scary" movies, not just a jump scare slasher flick.
But the news hit today that a pair of French filmmakers, Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo, have been brought on to write and direct the remake. What's fascinating about that is they just did a film called INSIDE, which was one of the goriest and unflinchingly intense horror films that screened at FANTASTIC FEST. Once you've seen INSIDE then you'll be suddenly very interested to see to what lengths these sick fucks will go when playing around in Clive Barker's universe. This is a fascinating choice and one of the only choices that could get me excited for yet another horror remake. Don't fuck it up, Dimension.
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