By the way, I had an email exchange with JPX and Herr Sweatpants and we decided to push back the deadline for reviews to November 30th, which is why I've still been going after the 15th passed (see below). The reason we set the deadline in the first place was to keep everyone writing (which can be hard after the month of viewing and writing...so hard) but everyone has been keeping up so well it's totally worked. It makes sense to get as much of that talented opinion in there as possible, and anyhoozle, it's only us making the rules.
So expect to hear more from myself, JPX, Johnny Sweatpants, and I believe I'mnotMarc, Jordan, Whirlygirl and Julie might have some stuff still to contribute. And there's that Gobaers fellow I invited on who still hasn't properly mouthed off in these pages. Just under two more weeks to get to it, folks! Stay tuned.
P.S. I updated the score site just now. JPX aka Boom Boom is up to seventy freakin' four! Before a winner is officially declared we'll need to see if Johnny Sweatpants has the numbers to beat that, because I'm gonna admit right now that I don't. But I might beat Johnny...
I love that picture of you! When I first saw it I thought it was a still from some crazy horror movie.
There was a deadline?
Someone's got a MacBook with PhotoBooth...
That picture is a hoot!
Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah...
(Who the hell is "Dinah" anyway?)
Forget about Dinah, who's this "someone?"
Dinah, won't you blow,
Dinah, won't you blow,
Dinah, won't you blow your horn?
Dinah, won't you blow,
Dinah, won't you blow,
Dinah, won't you blow your horn?
Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah.
Someone's in the kitchen, I know.
Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah
Strumming on the old banjo.
Fee, fie, fiddle-e-i-o.
Fee, fie, fiddle-e-i-o-o-o-o.
Fee, fie, fiddle-e-i-o.
Strumming on the old banjo.
[insert dirty comment]
Okaaay, never really thought about the sexual connotations of that song until I saw it typed out...
Yikers, not one to add to the nightly song list!
That picture is great!!!! I must admit that I was also unaware of the sexual connotations of that song. I feel a little silly. I didn't realize there was a deadline either. Yes, I do still have some reviews to write. I have about 17, but I think I'm only going to review 5 of them, sorry JPX, I know you want me to review them all.
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