Friday, June 15, 2012

JPX's favorite superhero movie poster


Octopunk said...

Yay. Remember being all gaga about Margot Kidder in her Fruit Stripe business outfit?

Jordan said...

I'm such a wet blanket... But my reactions to Superman II were the same as my reactions to Aliens (but more pronounced): new director, new unpleasant, cheeseball style with bad jokes.

Richard Donner's cut of Superman II (which was released on discs a few years ago) fixes the most egregious problems.

JPX said...

I agree, the Donner cut is much better.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

I agree that this poster is the best! I remember thinking "how on earth can Superman defeat 3 supermen? " Also I still think that Superman 2 captured the simple joy of reading the old comical as a kid more than any other.

Jordan said...

Never liked Superman II. (Loved the original; didn't see the third one because I thought the 2nd was so cheesy.)

Maybe the difference I keep running into (in terms of Horrorthon superhero movie taste) is that I'm older...? I was 14 when Superman II came out. (The same year as The Empire Strikes Back, The Blues Brothers, The Shining and Raging Bull -- although I didn't see Raging Bull until later.)

Jordan said...

I also saw Woody Allen's Stardust Memories in the theater in 1980. Maybe I was a little too old for "Oh God"/"'Zod'" jokes.

JPX said...

I'm just talking about the poster and I love this poster.


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