From TMZ, The owner of Old Bank DVD in Downtown Los Angeles has been trying to get in touch with Nicolas Cage to have him return "A Star is Born" and "The King of Comedy" DVDs, in addition to pay the late fee of $224.
After spending four months calling Cage, Old Bank went on Facebook in an effort to get the actor's attention. On its own page, the store wrote: "If anyone happens to run into Nicolas Cage wandering the neighborhood, please kindly remind him he's had [our DVD's] for a few months." Employees also posted photos of Cage's face superimposed on the bodies of Andre the Giant and Demi Moore (pictured).
This stunt drew attention from the media, which quickly spread the word about the situation and eventually reached Cage. The actor immediately reacted by returning the DVDs, paying the late fee, and blaming the whole thing on an assistant.
Old Bank is now offering customers one free Nicolas Cage movie with a weekend rental.
A $224 late fee is retarded. A late fee should never exceed the value of the product. Didn't Blockbuster have a huge settlement for that reason?
Who rents movies from stores these days? I love how he blames it on his assistant - he has no idea how narcissistic that sounds.
Man, the rich really know how to live.
I watched the Ghost Rider sequel a couple of days ago and it's further convinced me of two things. One is that these days Cage is satisfied with phoned-in performances, and the other is that as he ages his skull is trying to escape from his face.
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