Sunday, February 03, 2013

Daily Spider-Man: Get ready for the weirdest guy-having-phone-sex video ever, Youtube!

Remember this from last Sunday? I guess a few hours on the rough road changes your priorities...


Octopunk said...

And while I appreciate yet another shot of Mary Jane in her underwear, I need to ask her this: why get a new phone that you can't hear when you can just turn that one off? You could take the money you saved and send your husband a plane ticket.

JPX said...

Excellent point! Also, Does Peter seriously believe that he can comfortably travel in a web-hammock situated above the exhaust pipe of an 18-wheeler for 3000 miles without being noticed by the cops?

Octopunk said...

JPX you goofball, he's not going 3000 miles to NYC, he's going to San Francisco! Vegas to SF is, like, 600 miles or something (GoogleMaps gave me a more precise number, but I already closed the tab).

I hope you're reading this in bed in your underwear, because you're as surprised as Mary Jane! Ha ha ha ha!

Salem's Lot 1979 and Salem's Lot 2024

Happy Halloween everybody! Julie's working late and the boy doesn't have school tomorrow so he's heading to one of those crazy f...