Friday, February 22, 2013

Daily Spider-Man: In my mind there's a Daredevil strip and Spidey is a speck in the background


Octopunk said...

Wow, what a difference a missile makes, huh? Last week was high-flying tedium, and this week was jaw-dropping action/hilarity (and really, I have to admit, some decent comic-bookery to boot)!

I just realized tonight that President's day came and went and we were all spared the unwelcome sight of Mary Jane lounging around the apartment mooning over a framed picture of Abraham Lincoln.

Mis-SILE! Mis-SILE! Mis-SILE! Oh, I'll be sad to see him go...

Johnny Sweatpants said...

I could watch the missile chase the boys around forever. This is the greatest newspaper storyline ever. Isn't it a little irresponsible for Daredevil to swing around the downtown area where it is most densely populated?

JPX said...

Ugh, another two panel strip with Peter just re-stating the obvious. Of course, what he won't acknowledge is that he's kind of responsible for all of this. DD had a plan that Peter screwed up because he's needy and hates his wife.

Octopunk said...

I love it when JPX gripes about the paltry two-panel strips. It's like having our own J. Jonah Jameson, who would probably grab the comic strip employee by the shirt and shake him until all the stolen panels fall out of his pockets.

AC said...

i'm glad they're dragging it out with the chintzy two-panel strips, so's we get more days with mr. missile.

Salem's Lot 1979 and Salem's Lot 2024

Happy Halloween everybody! Julie's working late and the boy doesn't have school tomorrow so he's heading to one of those crazy f...