From time, Ah, yes. The throes of romantic love – it’s enough to make your heart swell — and your engine sputter. New England pilot Mark Simmons was flying a “Will You Marry Me?” banner off the coast of Rhode Island when suddenly, the proposal took a dive. But this wasn’t a problem on the beach, where Mike Flynn was proposing to his girlfriend, Michelle. No, Simmons’ plane was going down.
Ten minutes into his flight, he was heading toward the shorelines of Block Island as the plane’s engine began to fail. Luckily, Mark Simmons emerged unharmed after his plane crashed into Block Island Sound. But that left a pretty nervous proposer waiting on the beach with his unsuspecting belle. “While it was happening, I was pacing the beach,” Flynn told ABC News. “I was really worried.”
Simmons made a distress call to his 8-year-old son, Ethan, who according to ABC News, “heard his dad’s Mayday call over the airport’s radio transmission and initiated the rescue effort by alerting airport personnel and giving them information on his dad’s whereabouts.”
Just a day after his plane crash-landed, Simmons took to the skies again, determined to do it right.
“I wasn’t sure why it took him two days of pacing the beach just to propose to me on the beach,” she said in an interview. “Until I saw the plane.” Despite the anxiety, Michelle said yes.
The marriage will be fine but the wedding will be a disaster.
OMG!! I SAW that plane!! I was on block island overnight on monday and while we were waiting for the ferry to leave on tuesday a woman next to me pointed out a plane circling the beach with the "will you marry me michelle" banner flying behind it!!
I took a picture but deleted it because, well, why did I need a picture of that?
Holy crap.
I think you just made that story up to get attention DCD. If you can't provide photographic evidence then it didn't happen.
I know, right? It's a little tooooooooooooooo convenient...
Damn you suspicious boys! Desroc saw it, he will totally vouch for me.
[silence, crickets...]
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