From thedailybeast, Tom Cruise was reportedly upset about scenes in Paul Thomas Anderson’s upcoming film The Master, which portrays a cult leader said to bear a striking likeness to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. Anderson, who has worked with Cruise in the past, reportedly showed the film to the actor and prominent Scientologist and got a cold response. A source told the New York Daily News that “Tom Cruise’s people are grumbling” about a line in the movie in which one character reportedly says that the cult leader, played by Philip Seymour Hoffman, is “making it up as he goes along.” A Church of Scientology spokesman said, “No one in the church has seen the film, and we have no comment.”
Cripes. I often wonder if the CoS would benefit by just stopping being evil bastards and trying to quell every voice that points that out, and instead just move forward with the huge amount of money and influence they've already gathered. But I'm sure they have no idea how to stop.
I know, right? Why is it that every time the CoS is in the news it involves them being offended by something?
Clearly the man in that picture is a registered sex offender.
Why that's L. Ron Hubbard!
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