Monday, July 09, 2012

"I must take a moment to bring us all up to date on PTA's campaign against video games in our community."


Octopunk said...

Man, it's too bad all those PTAs were so effective. I really wonder what it would be like if there were still video games today.

JPX said...

What makes it so funny is that the adults discuss the issue like it’s a life or death problem yet the cutaways to the kids playing videogames could not be more innocent.

Octopunk said...

This video is rich with treasure. Too rich to get it all, but I'll try:

-- Let's face it, the Long Island vibe is like the Rhode Island vibe on steroids. Even moreso in the 80s.

-- The kid who looks like a young Billy whatsisname, the douchebag from King of Kong.

-- Usually when they ask kids' opinions on the news, they get the boilerplate version of what the kid thinks they're supposed to say. In this they're too distracted, don't even turn their heads towards the camera to get their mugs on TV, and say whatever they want, sometimes making the games sound good, sometimes bad. "I used to play ball with my friends, now I do this. Wait, what'd I just say?"

-- My favorite moment: the moral outrage over the fact that you might send your kid to the store to get some milk and he'll return home without the fifty cents in chaaaaaange.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...