From worstpreviews [NO SPOILERS]
"The Dark Knight Rises" hits theaters on July 20th and Warner Bros held the first press screening, which resulted in a standing ovation. Even though we have yet to get any full reviews, the initial reactions have been overwhelmingly positive.
We have now collected some of those reactions for you below. Since there are plenty of spoilers, we cut those out and just left the overall opinions. It seems that almost everyone agrees that this is not only the best installment in Christopher Nolan's franchise, but may also be an Oscar contender.
Here are the reviews:
* Wow. Quite speechless at the moment...."TDKR" was everything I wanted it to be.
* So much awesome... can't wait to see it again. And again. And 9 out of 10 for me. I'd put "Amazing Spider-Man" at a 7.5 and "Avengers" at an 8.5.
* This film was the perfect final chapter in the trilogy.
* I think Bale gives his best performance as Batman and as Bruce Wayne in this one.
* Nolan manages to convey this wild ride into 165 minutes of his best work.
* "The Dark Knight Rises" is not only easily the best Batman movie yet, but now one of my favorite movies I've ever seen. It was unbelievable!
* If this does not break the mold and win Best Picture, no comic book movie ever will.
wow, that's extremely promising! can't wait!
I recently saw "The Dark Knight" and was really happy to see that it held up over time (I couldn't look away for even a second!) -- also looking forward to TDKR
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