Friday, December 14, 2007

BREAKING NEWS! JPX hates it when he can't easily file his DVD box sets due to over-sized packaging

[Picture removed by JPX due to looking hidieous]

JPX, pictured above looking equal parts confused and irritated revealed just where he stands on oversized DVD packaging. "I hate it when my box sets don't conveniently fit onto my shelf", he stated candidly. He is reportedly "very worried" about assimilating the upcoming Blade Runner box set into his permanent collection.


DKC said...

Maybe JPX should get some bigger shelving units!

Johnny Sweatpants said...

JPX, that's the 2nd time you've censored me bcause of your vanity. Beware. When Johnny Sweatpants feels his freedom is under attack, he can get extremely petty and vindictive.

The first warning sign is when he starts referring to himself in the 3rd person.

JPX said...

Well, geez, I'm not a model but certainly a picture of me exists that doesn't make me look like Sarah Jessica Parker!

DKC said...

Really, JPX - and now my shelving comment doesn't make nearly as much sense!

Whirlygirl said...

I want to see JSP get petty and vindictive.

AC said...

i'm with whirlygirl.

say, jsp, maybe jpx wants to look more like zac efron?

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Oh you just wait. Don't worry, I'll wait till a Friday afternoon when JPX won't be near a computer for at least day to ensure maximum exposure time. In the meantime I'm collecting embarrassing photos, recalling uncomfortable antecdotes about ex-girlfriends etc...


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...