Wednesday, December 19, 2007

'Wall-E' Trailer is Impossibly Charming, As Expected

From thesuperficial, When I want a Coke, I buy a Coke. I know from the label exactly what will be in a Coke, how refreshingly cool it will feel in my mouth, how sweet the high fructose corn syrup will taste on my tongue. No need to dump gallon after gallon of it over my head to remind me exactly how great Coca-Cola is.

Similarly, I don't need another precious trailer to Pixar's Wall-E. Yes, Pixar, I know you've "done it again," creating another expertly animated, ridiculously adorable world sure to delight children and adults alike with its humor and heart. So you can stop rubbing my face.

And, you know, it wouldn't kill you guys to make something shitty every now and then, remind us that you aren't necessarily evil androids appeasing the human masses until our destruction. The same goes for Radiohead.

Check it out here


Sarah said...

Wall E !!!!
How can one team make something so crappy as Bee Movie and the other one make you start to baby talk to a robot?

Johnny Sweatpants said...

I'm embarrassed to say I really liked the Bee Movie...

Radiohead's Hail to the Thief was a step back although the new one is pretty addictive.

While I'm being embarrassed - when they put out In Rainbows you could download it and pay for it whatever you wanted to. As they dropped their label, all of the proceeds goes directly to them. I felt $5 would be fair as I've always enjoyed their music. Sadly I didn't realize that I was paying in pounds so I ended up forking over $10.08. Dammit.

JPX said...

Not only that, but the "free" version has an inferior sound quality. You have to buy the official release to get a better sounding album.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

I'll give you a better album upside your head!

Jordan said...

What do you mean, "one team"? Bee Movie isn't from Pixar!

Octopunk said...

I think she's using "team" loosely here.

I was curious about Bee Movie. I guess I still am.

Wall-E looks great.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...