Monday, November 03, 2014

Halloween Pics!

I figured before we get too far away from the day itself, I'd put some pictures up of our little monsters. 

Showing off her fangs.

Carver the Clown - creepy!

 And - I also have to include my batwall that I created for our second annual kids Halloween Party.  60 freaking bats I cut out and folded! It was totally worth it though...


Johnny Sweatpants said...

Sweet pics! I love "Carver" the Clown as well as the bat wall!

Catfreeek said...

Halloween & Christmas are when I miss having little one. Thanks for sharing yours :)

Catfreeek said...

Little ones not one, jeez we had four of the little bastards running around. On second thought I must be crazy! We never had a moments peace, I'll just enjoy your pics and relish in my quiet child free household.

AC said...

Yay, love the pix, great job with wall o'bats and costumes!!

JPX said...

I love those pictures! That bat wall rocks! DId you guys dress up?

Salem's Lot 1979 and Salem's Lot 2024

Happy Halloween everybody! Julie's working late and the boy doesn't have school tomorrow so he's heading to one of those crazy f...