Saturday, December 01, 2007

AC Best of Horrorthon 2007

Even though I really don't have time to do this now, I want to get my best-ofs up before Boom Boom starts deluging us with entertainment news as promised. Here we go, short and sweet.

1. Favorite: The Ring. Everything a horror movie should be: truly scary, atmospheric, satisfying.

2. Hidden gem: n/a The good movies I watched are well known to all.

3. Most disturbing: Angel Heart. Psychologically even more disturbing than visually. Yum.

4. Scream Queen and King: Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween and Bruce Campbell in Evil Dead.

5. Worst: Plan 9 From Outer Space. Wow, so incredibly baaaaaad.

6. So bad it's good: The Thing with Two Heads, Plan 9 from Outer Space.

7. Goriest: Slither, and a movie I actually couldn't finish as it was making me sick (and therefore couldn't write up): Mark of the Devil. Perhaps my stomach will toughen up by 10/2008?

8. Most memorable death: Tough call. I'll go with Angel Heart.

9. Best looking monster: Aliens.

10. Scariest: The Ring and Alien.

Thanks so much for inviting me to play this year! I had a great time. I'mnotmarc, I'm flattered that you were concerned by my nipping at your heels. It was an honor even to be in the running against a Horrorthon veteran. Happy December everyone!


DKC said...

You rocked for the newbies AC! Way to represent!

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Yeah, it was fun having you participate this year!

Octopunk said...

Indeed! And a very impressive count for your first go. My first attempt -- and I can only say "attempt" because I didn't write anything -- was in 2003, riding shotgun with JPX as he screened Asian horror movies which were very unknown at the time. I saw maybe six, and wrote about none.

I'mnotMarc's first-ever score was three. And Julie's, too.

Very nice work. Maybe next year you should explore some more's nice to find to find the hidden gems. However, when I say that I must also point out that you get full marks for taking on turkeys like Plan 9. Horrorthon!

Whirlygirl said...

You made us newbies proud AC! I watched 24, but only wrote I think 7, so congrats on watching and writing 25.

AC said...

Thanks guys! The experience was surprisingly addictive. It's fun reading Horrorthon and even more fun when one is participating.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...