From cinemablend, Before I get going on this story, let me make one thing clear: I have no way to know if this is true or not. At least not yet We’re still checking into it. But tonight I got an email from a reader who says he works for a major Hollywood special effects house, where they’re talking about doing work on a remake of the 1987 Stephen Dorff movie The Gate.
Don’t remember The Gate? Neither do I, and to me that makes it perfect remake fodder. If you’re going to remake something, do something nobody remembers or something that sucks, since it’s obviously already in need of improvement. Why not remake The Gate.
So what the heck was The Gate? It sounds like it was a PG-13 horror movie for kids or a Gremlins wannabe, with three kids unleashing a horde of nasty, pint-sized demons from a hole in their suburban backyard. Suburban nightmare! Pretty common 80s stuff. The kids then fight to save the Earth from the hellish fiends they’ve unleashed upon it.
Our source, since he’s working on the effects end of the thing, doesn’t know much beyond the fact that they’re talking about redoing it, and from the sounds of things in a major way. Whether Dorff might return in some capacity or not is unknown, but it’s not like he’s busy doing anything else. A quick glance around the internet reveals that the film actually has quite a cult following, so maybe there really is something here worth revisiting.
More on this as soon as we can confirm or deny it.
JPX and I made a special trip to the Warwick Showcase to see The Gate and it sucked. The gateway to Hell in some kid's back yard...how lame is Hell then?
Anyway, I got back home and mentioned to my friend Mike Cain that I'd seen this sucky movie, and he suggested we go see a better movie to turn my day around. It was Dustin Hoffman's first movie in five years, so it had to be good.
That movie? Ishtar. I almost gave up on all movies after that day.
That's one of my favorite stories! I remember how dejected you were the next day. Fortunately I skipped Ishtar and went home to play with Star Wars figures or something.
It was probably Star Wars figures.
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