Friday, December 21, 2007

Cloverfield TV spot

From CHUD, Yesterday we showed you the first TV commercial from Cloverfield, and some folks on our message board commented that it didn't seem like the spot was selling the monster. Well, Paramount ain't that dumb - they've got a second spot and it's all about the monster. It's mostly iterations of the same footage we've seen, but this does include something new - a woman who has been bitten and then explodes. That's actually not totally new - when I ran my trailer description I thought I saw two little monsters tearing this woman apart when it was in fact two guys in hazmat suits around here as she explodes - but in this commercial we hear a guy shouting 'A bite! We've got a bite!' and then everybody else in this makeshift hospital tent freaks out.

I think we're mostly out of the viral marketing woods, and I'm glad to see strong, attention grabbing, Mr. Voice filled commercial selling the movie in the right way.

See spot here


DKC said...


And although the cuts were quick, I think there is not as much shaky-cam. Fingers crossed!

Julie said...

It was gone by the time I went there. :(

Octopunk said...

It came back! Try it here instead.

I don't think that guy's right to say this trailer is "all about the monster" since there's no monster in it, but my gripe is superseded by the fact that "We've got a bite! We've got a bite!" is so freaking cool.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...