From iwatchstuff, Has your life been missing a certain, sort of pretentious, convoluted sci-fi element since you lost your copy of Dark City? Fear not: a new entry is on the horizon. It's called Franklyn, and here's a plot summary and the first image from the film.
Franklyn is basically about four intertwining stories, three of which are based in contemporary London and one of which is based in a kind of parallel fantasy environment called Meanwhile City. Our hero in that strand is this sort-of masked vigilante detective who's the only atheist in Meanwhile City, played by Ryan Phillippe, who basically runs around trying to extract people from cults, has a big cynicism about the whole thing and hates The Ministry with a vengeance.
Setting aside how much this sounds like a first-year film student's ham-handed attack on modern religion, does this image remind anyone else a little too much of Rorschach from Watchmen? If you aren't familiar with him, how about Jack Skellington if he were piloting an airship?
I refuse to see anything with Ryan Phillipe in it. That kid rubs me the wrong way.
I agree! Also, he looks just like the Invisible Man in that picture.
Yeah, not too inspired. That comment about Jack Skellington cracked me up.
He also looks like the assassin guy from Hellboy.
God, Ryan Phillipe sucks. I can't believe Reese Witherspoon ever married that fucktard.
Who the hell is Ryan Phillipe? I thought he died. I wonder if he has a "how my career was ruined conspiracy theory?" Actually, was he ever really popular?
I am dying over here!
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