Monday, April 16, 2012

And Speaking of Contests...

Heyyyy, April 15th went by, and you know what that means! No, not taxes, it means we've crossed the halfway mark between the last Horrorthon and the next one! Woo hoo!

I bring this up because Stan's recent spontaneous contest made me realize that I've been sitting on our last comic strip caption contest for half a year now, so here are those results!


Winner here is JPX:

"When did you make business cards and how did you do it?"

Avoiding the whole cat/poop/sandbox thing and going for "prying off the absurdity" approach really worked for me.


This one goes to Johnny Sweatpants, because that last panel just cracks me up every time:

“Hey Phantom, guess what? I had baked beans for lunch and now I have to fart!”

“Oh Christ, not again… Don’t you have anything more important to do than make my life miserable?”

Panel 2

“Sorry buddy but passing gas through you just plain cracks me the hell up!”

Panel 3

“HAHAHAHAHA-- oh shit!”

Family Bleahbleah

This one is all Johnny, as well:

“You see Billy, there’s no Santa Claus, God doesn’t exist, the Universe is cold and indifferent and we’re all going to die one day. Especially Grandma. I betcha she won’t make it till Thanksgiving."


Johnny's meta approach won here, too, although his other two made me laugh more:

"I enjoy eating lasagna and I hate Mondays." 

"You don't fucking say."

Wonder Woman

And this one goes to Cat, with special claps for the dwarf:

Meet Natasha, she's a world class stripper. With each pass of her magic lasso, she leaves a little less to the imagination. Hubba hubba.


"I'm not sure my audience is what it used to be."

"Hmmm..I only count 13 men, well, 13 1/2 if you count the dwarf."

"These perverts better be throwing $20's tonight, that's all I'm saying."

Overall winner is Johnny Sweatpants! You now have six months to arrange another round of this, but I hope you move sooner.

And while we're at it, in addition to Stan's contest there was also Cat's very similar contest from last month. The win went to AC for that one, but I'm guessing AC has had some more important stuff going on to worry about the next round.

Well that's everything all neat and tidy. We've got one contest in play and theoretically two others that JSP and AC may spring on us at any second. Perhaps a merger is in order? You guys discuss, I'm going to wrap my head around some entries for Stan's battle.



HandsomeStan said...

Thanks for the mention, Octo! And on the heels of Cat's post, too - this will surely drive ratings through the roof! (I'm not expecting much as my comment karma is well below average). But I do like my idea, though.

And you're right, all of those winners were hilarious!

Johnny Sweatpants said...

First of all, thanks for the win! I barely remember composing those responses but they made me laugh!

I haven't been ignoring Stan's new contest, honest! I was away from a computer all weekend (which was pretty cool actually) and then today I was busy as hell at work. Now I'm ready to dig in (but I need to come up with something funny first and I'm frankly struggling. I know, impossible, right?)

Catfreeek said...

I personally love the contests, they are fun and who doesn't enjoy a good laugh. I's like to see them become more active again.

JPX said...

Congrats, JSP! Jerk.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...