From Geekology,Some guy who let his collecting addiction get the best of him is finally selling it all. Included in the auction are over 1,160 modern Star Wars figures, a bunch of vintage ones, and some randoms from other movies. The starting bid is $25,450 and there’s a "Buy-It-Now" price set at $34,500. However there is only one day left and not a single bid. Probably because people are smart and don't want $25,000 worth of modern Star Wars figures. The seller himself admits "This is a big step I'm taking in order to move on and accomplish a new plan I have for my future." No shit it is. Apparently Plan A - 'Live a life of celibacy in your aunt's attic with a massive Star Wars collection' finally lost its luster. Go figure.

Please, come visit my basement some time! Julie, where are you storing all of Octo's crap, er, I mean treasures?
I didn't see any of of the vintage figures in those pictures. Am I missing something? 24K? That's ridiculous...
I wonder if he's got a 1-2-3 Kid out of the package...only $3000!
All my precious treasures are squeezed nicely into various top-of-closet and back-of-cabinet spaces around the apartment, thanks. Uh...and my storage space in Rhode Island. (sigh)
What's a 1-2-3 Kid?
Also, weird as it sounds, only a handful of the old SW figs are still rare and expensive compared to some of the newer ones. Lots of 'em show up disappear off the shelves and shoot up in value spooky quick.
I checked the original article. Not one bid.
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