Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!


Sarah said...

The earth is a mere electron flitting in the genius brain of the unimaginable universe.

Happy Earth day is basically Happy Subconscious Day. Be Happy that you can imagine we are on a big sphere ! Whippee!!

Landshark said...

from Feministing:

To add to Jessica's earlier post on wingnuts who blame feminists for carbon emissions (you can't make this stuff up), check out this quote from today's Family Research Council email:

"Today isn't just another reminder to use recycled paper or drive energy-efficient cars. It's a calculated attack on the sanctity of human life. Population control is inextricably linked to the environmental and abortion movements. [...] The crisis du jour is global warming, but even that is just another excuse to fund "Planet" Parenthood and similar groups."

OMG, they've figured out our sinister feminist-environmentalist agenda! We wreck the earth by driving to our jobs (where we're bitches who demand equal pay), then we have a few abortions to offset all the carbon we've put into the atmosphere. It's genius! Join me, my fellow feminist-environmentalists, in a round of cackling (yes, cackling)! Muhahahaha!

DKC said...

Crack me up LS!


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...