Maybe, like me, you don't know exactly what hipsters are, but find them intriguing and entertaining (except when they hog the comfy chairs at your local coffee house). Maybe you love them, hate them, or are indifferent to them. Maybe you are one. Whatever your stance or status, let me know your thoughts in any type of verse you wish!
and the first tracks of the day are made by a non horrorthonner -- the girlfriend of unpublished ex-horrorthonner GoBaers...
H-Town sez:
Fixies, PBR
Only douches own a car
Can I get a ride?
There once was a 'thonner named Gobaers
Whose liter'try output was nowheres
But now he's all hip
Because he's got a chick
Aaand I don't really have a last line. Anyone?
gobaers himself suggests
"i guess he's just not into film-scares"
Apathetically bedheaded
American Apparel bethreaded
Pabst Blue Ribbon swigging
In day-glo green leggings
The modern-day garb of the dickheaded
Scruffy trendsetters
Thrift store skinny junkie look
Terrified by sun
Hipsters at rock shows
Stand in the back, arms folded
Must look underwhelmed
Charmless but harmless
Hipsters beat hippies hands down
At least they shower
Hipsters boast political knowledge
through everything they learned in college
yes that degree in liberal arts
enhances all their natural smarts
so they stand in thrift store clothes
looking uber cool and acting droll
while listening to some indie rock
the rest of us they wittily mock
Would they snap their fingers for our poetry slam
or really just not give a damn
personally I don't give a shit
and that's about the sum of it
Maynard G. Krebs
the original hipster
Gilligan's cool alter
There once was a hipster named Charlie
he wore glasses just like Buddy Holly
he said they were trendy
though they made him see bendy
so he walked out in front of a trolly
how do them hipsters
keep abreast of changing trends?
maybe "hipster vogue"?
I must confess this
Don't know what a "hipster" is
New word for hippie?
Emo and Scene Kids
Bohemian and bums
All seem annoying
Dang. I just couldn't get it together.
When I'd been at Celebrity Deathmatch for a year or two there was a slew of new hires that were all young guys who lived in Williamsburg (hipster central Brooklyn neighborhood), were super skinny, had moppy haircuts, and were in bands. I generally don't mind hipsters but this one time I was resentful, because I felt they drew all the attention of the cute girls who worked there.
I must've come here ten times yesterday trying to get that into a limerick, and I couldn't do it. Sorry AC!
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