Saturday, February 18, 2012

50P's Saturday Afternoon YouTube Adventure: Part 1

I just looked up the video for Eddie Murphy's Party All the Time because, whatever. Fuck it. I'm bored.

The video itself is pretty great, featuring a completely sincere Eddie Murphy, a young and enthusiastic Rick James, and some of the best hair you're going to see all day. But what made me feel like writing a post about it, other than that there hasn't been a new post in a while, is the Wikipedia article on the song, containing the following hilarious synopsis. Enjoy.

"The song tells a harrowing tale from the perspective of a heartbroken lover, portrayed in the first-person by Eddie Murphy. He begins by questioning, perhaps rhetorically, why the female with whom he is currently participating in a relationship would want to cause him emotional pain. The narrator goes on to list extravagant items he's purchased for her, including, but not limited to: Champagne, Roses, and Diamond rings. Despite the items that the narrator has given, the female still insists on staying out all night (presumably in the company of other men). The narrator then poses perhaps another rhetorical question as to what he should do to remedy this depressing situation. The listener is then repeatedly informed that the narrator's "girl" wishes to attend nightclubs and house parties at all hours of the day and night. Later on, the narrator points out that he's acted as a voyeur and observed said female whilst she was present at an unknown nightclub. She was seen providing her telephone number to virtually every male patron of the club with whom she came in verbal contact. We are then informed that the narrator's female companion never arrives at their place of residence in the evening. Her absence is believed to be caused by infidelity, presumably with one or many of the men with whom she became acquainted earlier that evening. The narrator then goes on to wish that his female companion would have sexual intercourse with him, instead of the many other men with whom she has been copulating."


Abduscias said...

Wowee! I used to love this song back in the day! I forgot that his singing voice was so high,and oh! Rick James's terrible hair!

DKC said...

That is completely hilarious and awesome! What a find, 50!

AC said...

the synopsis is fab.

Octopunk said...

I like the end: "The narrator then goes on to wish that his female companion would have sexual intercourse with him, instead of the many other men with whom she has been copulating." It's both hilarously dry and oddly more poignant than the actual song.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...