Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sweet Zombie Diaries poster

From darkhorizons, We just got the new poster for Zombie Diaries a new indie zombie flick and simply put its AWESOME. In the early part of the 21st Century, an unknown virus began spreading among the populous. Within weeks it had engulfed the entire planet, from the smallest rural communities to the greatest cities. Upon the death of its host, the virus would reanimate the corpse until it was no longer able to support itself. Soon, the planet was infested with a new threat - the undead. So begins our journey into the dystopian world of The Zombie Diaries.

Check out the trailer here!

1 comment:

Octopunk said...

That is a cool poster. And I'm glad they're slow zombies. I hope if I get zombified I'm wearing something comfortable.

I guess with this and the J.J. Abrams thing, we're looking at another round of hand-held camera movies. All I can say is that I'll try not to get a headache while I'm watching.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...