Friday, February 22, 2008

Sheriff Octo

OK, let's see if this works. This should be video of Jeff and me trolling about in Bristol.


miko564 said...

Yeah, when I was Military Police we ALWAYS sent the old farmer to investigate the weird stuff. Saves having to train new guys...good call.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Great stuff. And congratulations on being the first to post personal video on Horrorthon! How the hell did you do it?

Jordan said...

"Exercise" it?

"Excise it"?

"Exorcise it"?

The Exercist! "Something almost beyond description is happening to the girl in this house...the only person who can help is Sheriff Jeff!"

(voice yells out) "Should have been Sheriff Octo!"

Julie said...

JSP, you post something on Youtube, and then Youtube gives you a code to embed your video. Copy and paste that and you are done. How does it work? I guess it's magic.

My Mac had all the stuff built in to get it to the Youtube point.

Jordan said...

YouTube and Google are the same company; they make sure that works.

Jordan said...

I meant, "YouTube and Blogger are the same company." (They're both part of Google.)


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...