The first annual Horrorthon conference convened on a beautiful day in San Francisco, there was much excitement and a lot of nerds.
There was something for everyone, including lots of funny books.
Marc, JPX, and Octo convese with a couple Fetts.
Octo busts out his latest acquisitions; spends Zack's college fund.
Were there any vintage model kits?
Zac doesn't need to go to college. All we did there was play with Legos and get high, and he can do that at home.
LOL Julie!
Are both I'mnotmarc and JPX wearing their Horrorthon shirts? Love it.
tried getting thon shirts on everyone, but octo doesn't own one and pants decided not to wear his for reasons unexplained.
in order to get the group uniformity i was looking for, i bought wristbands for the group. you can't see octo's (which is behind jpx's head) or jsp's because he isn't in the picture, but they're pacman wristbands. bad ass.
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