Friday, April 04, 2008

Cruise Not Cackling About Tom-ijuana

From TMZ, Talk about getting clear, dude: Tom Cruise's lawyers want to cut the bud on a strain of super-strong pot that's being marketed as "Tom Cruise Purple."

So say Rush & Molloy, who report that the actor's legal eagles are "taking a serious look" (heh *cough* heh) at the green, and that one of Cruise's friends thinks it's "outrageous" that some of Cali's "cannabis clubs" are selling the chronic branded with a snap of Cruise "laughing hysterically."

One toker says that the Scientolopot is the "kind of pot that makes you hallucinate."

1 comment:

Octopunk said...

I wouldn't wanna smoke no weed named after that turkey, I don't care how good it is.

Frankie Freako

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