Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Insert your own caption

Power! Unlimited power!


Johnny Sweatpants said...

"I am a disgusting, wretched man whose sole purpose is to use people's evolved (but idiotic) tendency to believe in God to gain and wield power. I believe that mankind's morality is to be derived from a book written by ingnorant men from an ignorant time which is why I am against condom distribution to an AIDS ravaged Africa and promote celibacy instead. The Bible also gives me the right to dictate what consenting adults do in the bedroom and fight against stem cell research which has the potential to alleviate suffering for millions. I know that I represent an institution that has shelled out billions of dollars in recent years to victims of child rapists but hey - things are different now. And besides, God loves you."

miko564 said...

Wow...don't hold back next time JSP.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Mm hm. *takes bite of apple* Anyone else got something to say 'bout that?

Octopunk said...

I think you should say "represent an institution that has been forced to shell out billions of dollars in recent years to victims of child rapists."

Man, Pope John Paul II may have been all those things, but this guy is just plain creepy. Look at that picture! It's like one second before his eyes glow red and his talons and fangs pop out.

Despite that, my caption is "Smiles, everyone! Smiles."


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